First And Last Name Email Phone Number Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code What is your occupation? Why do you want to adopt a cat? What kitty are you applying for and what made them stand out to you? What age range, personality, and energy level are you looking for? Who will be the primary person responsible for this cat? What is the age of the primary applicant? Please list all people living in the household and include their ages. Does everyone in your household agree to adopting a cat? Select One:YesNoUnsure Is anyone in your household allergic to cats? Select One:YesNoUnsure If you live in a rental, does your landlord allow pets? Have you asked about pet rent? Please list any current pets and their ages if applicable. Please tell us about the most special pet you've had, previous or current. Are your current pets spayed/neutered? Select One:YesNoUnsureI don't have any pets Have you ever had to surrender a cat? If so, why? Under what circumstances would you be unable to keep this cat? Pregnancy/Baby Divorce/Separation Damages to furniture Needs too much attention Expensive vet bills Conflicts with other pets Litter box issues Moving None, pets are for life Other If you answered other, please explain. Who is your current veterinarian? Will this cat be indoor-only, outdoor-only, or mixed? How many hours per day will this cat spend alone? Where will your cat be when you aren't home? Where will the cat sleep? What qualities would make a cat not compatible with your household? How do you feel about declawing? Any known life changing events occurring in the next year, such as moving, getting married, or having children? Do you have any concerns with making a 15-20 yr commitment to providing care for your new cat? What will happen to this cat if you can no longer care for him/her? Please list 1-2 references and include their name, email, phone number, and relationship to you. Are there any particular topics you would like your adoption coordinator to go over with you? Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding our adoption process. Submit